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Action in the stomach

The action of alcohol on the stomach is extremely dangerous and can not produce the digestive fluid in sufficient quantity and also absorbs food that can digest only imperfectly. A condition marked by the feeling of nausea, emptiness, prostration and distention will always be met by an alcoholic. This results in hatred for food and is caused by a desire to drink more. Therefore, there is a permanent disorder called dyspepsia. The disastrous forms of confirmed indigestion come from this practice.

How the liver is affected

Organic deterioration caused by continued use of alcohol is often fatal. The organ that undergoes the most structural changes in alcohol is the liver. Normally, the liver has the capacity to contain active substances in its cellular parts. In case of poisoning by various toxic compounds, we analyze the liver as if it were the central deposit of foreign bodies. It's pretty much the same thing with alcohol. The liver of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of alcohol and too often is saturated. The tiny membranous or capsular structure of the liver is affected, preventing adequate dialysis and free secretion. The liver becomes large because of the dilatation of its vessels, the overload of liquid matter and the thickening of the tissues. This follows the contraction of the membrane and the narrowing of the entire organ in its cellular parts. Then, the lower parts of the alcoholic are engorged with water because of the obstruction of the veins to the returning blood. The structure of the liver can be loaded with fat cells and undergo what is technically called "foie gras".

How kidneys deteriorate

The kidneys also suffer from excessive alcohol consumption. The renal vessels lose their elasticity and contraction power. The tiny structures in them undergo a change in fat. Albumin of blood easily crosses its membranes. This causes the body to lose power as if it were running out of blood gradually.

Congestion of the lungs.

Alcohol relaxes easily the vessels of the lungs because they are more exposed to the fluctuations of heat and cold. When subjected to the effects of a rapid change in atmospheric temperature, they become easily congested. During severe winter seasons, sudden lethal pulmonary congestions easily affect an alcoholic.

Alcohol weakens the heart

Alcohol consumption affects the heart a lot. The quality of the membranous structures that cover and cover the heart changes and swells, becoming cartilaginous or calcareous. Then, the valves lose their flexibility and what is called the valve disorder becomes permanent. The structure of the layers of the large blood vessel leading from the heart share the same structural changes, so that the ship loses its elasticity and its power to nourish the heart by the recoil of the relaxation, after the heart, by its stroke, It filled it with blood.

Again, the muscle structure of the heart fails due to degenerative changes in its tissues. The muscle fiber elements are replaced by fat cells or, if not replaced, are transferred to a modified muscle texture in which the power is greatly reduced shrinkage.

Those who suffer from these organic alterations of the central organ and director of blood circulation learn the fact insidiously so that occurs just for them until the harm is well advanced. They are aware of a central power failure of mild causes such as overwork, difficulty, broken rest or too long food abstinence. They feel what they call a "slump," but they know that the wine or other stimulant will immediately relieve the sensation. Therefore, they try to mitigate it until they finally discover that the remedy fails. The jaded, overloaded and faithful heart will no longer resist. He followed his course and the governor of the broken bloods. Current or weirs in the tissues, and gradually the course damage or, in the case of shock or slight excess movement ceases completely in the center.